Jumat, 30 Mei 2008



Mate 6:25 - 34. In the early service God Jesus, It starts to teach. At deep Mate 5,6,7 are Jesus preach at hill. At deep Mate 6:25 - 34 it, Jesus teaches is more than four times so we are not uneasy. Why? It is meant uneasy men. Uneasy no comes from God. Uneasy is opposite of faith. If we have keep the faith at deep The Infinite, we necessarily are not uneasy, but we oftentimes uneasy, even sometime uneasy motiveless. Jesus teaches that important more life of food and drink.
Herein Jesus touches most basic requirement at in life man. Worry can take in pressure, afferent trouble, cancer, making our hormone gets to outgrow from the other and a great many disease kinds of. Ams 16:20, "Who notice decree will get goodness, and blissful person believer to God." Ams 15:30, "Shining eye fine heart, and news gooding to cool down bone." Ay. 15, "Day that gets bad adversity every thing, but frolicsome person its heart do ever feast." Your force lies at deep cheerfull! Happening happiness if our trusting to God. Rom 8:28, "We are present tofu, that according Allah works deep all something to wreak goodness on their behalf that loves Her..." If we believe to God, we won't over be affected by bad news, aught problem, since every thing to wreak brother goodness! That your tofu wink God paying attention you! She is our Bapa! She won't do bad something to you! Your believe God Are good each while?? We shall study to trust God. There are many person that can't get visa for lives in Australia and they become uneasy. But Jesus says, "Don't uneasy!" Accord Rom 8:28, if you love God, God will revamp that inauspicious turn good. God know what the best one for us. If you have a baby and it asks for knife, will you give it? Indeed don't, in consequence will jeopardize that baby. And so do The Infinite to you! If you take ill, stress, there are many problem, etc.... you don't know what happen tomorrow, but knows that all be at deep its control Allah! One that you need do be you have to make a abode get happiness, don't uneasy! If you are looking for today's life couple, don't uneasy! God have provided the best one, but you shall on the ball for not step before time God get in. Flp 4:6, "Don't ought to you are uneasy about whatever, but declares for deep alround your wish to God in invocation and application with utterance fortunately." 1Tes 5:16 - 17, Everlastingly. Make a abode to pray. fortunately in any kind, because that is ayng wanted by God at in Jesus Christ for you."
So brother if you get up one every morning, begin that day with utterance fortunately and invocation, therefore daylong it you will enjoy your God bless and life will please! Maz 37:25, "Previously me young, now have gotten old, but never I see correctness person be left, or memeinta's posterity asks for bread." You that beloved, we need to trust God at in life us! David is reigning one command million of million Israel person, but it finds that Allah is God Is same preceding, now and all along, its promise is constant for we all. She is faithful and good Allah! Its love doesn't get outcome! Halleluyah!

2 komentar:

mas Handrie mengatakan...

yth. pak Koernianto
Kepsek SMPnya belum diganti ya..
Bravo pirngadi

handri raharjo

I Made Prenamia mengatakan...

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